
Think you can is deeply about thoughts of Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity. It always begins within your Heart. I am passionate about speaking for the voiceless and less privileged.
No matter how many times teeth bites the tongue, they still stay together in the mouth; that's the spirit of forgiveness. Even though eyes don't see each other, they still see things together, blink simultaneously and cry together; That's unity. May the lord grant us the spirit of togetherness and forgiveness.

The first key to wisdom is assiduous and frequent questioning… For by doubting we come to inquiry, and by inquiry we arrive at truth. "I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you."

Don't complicate life. We won't be here forever. Once this day is over, it's gone forever. Your time is too valuable to waste on nonsense. No matter what knocks you down in life, get up and keep going. NEVER GIVE UP. Great blessings come as a result of great perseverance. Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break that habit. Talk about your joys. Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don't give up.... Think You Can

Given freely Give freely... Can you hear the sound of marginalized voiceless calling? Can you hear the cry of the hurting and the lost? Do you hear the voice of one calling, “Who shall go for us?”
The lord has touched us to touch others, changed us to change others, healed us to heal others, fed us to feed others, sheltered us to shelter others, clothed us to clothe others, lifted us to lift others, and saved us to save others…Given us work beyond working for a living, but for a giving. Would you, your family, and friends commit yourselves to bring change and transformation to lives through participating in short-term missions, supplies, and financial donations? ~ 1 Corinthians 1:3-4
Partner with Think You Can TODAY!

Today many people and mostly the youth are too much found of struggling hard for their lives for a better living. Both the educated and the non-educated stand the same fate: The job searching. Now the question standing is; what can be done to help them the uneducated, and what can be done to them the educated to be helped? Act now and let others follow! God is the answer to every puzzle in life. He was there before the foundations of the earth. This means nothing is hidden from Him and nothing is beyond His ability to handle. His there to make a difference in the way people think, act and behave in society. Today we have people in high profile offices and society around us who have lost credibility due to their untamed character traits. ~ Mathew 28:18-20

1. Guidance and Counseling
2. The Child care and mentoring
3. Inspiring values for purpose driven life
4. Skill development
5. Performing arts
6. Talent promotion
7. Academics and Reading
8. Church and Religious discipline
9. Co-curriculum activities
10. Believe in peace building
Think You Can will help this generation discover how to surround yourself and walk with people who are wiser than you, They will challenge, inspire and make you feel you can do better.