Transcends a parenting manual. It’s a clarion call for adults to take an active role in shaping the next generation of men. Here’s a deeper exploration of the […]
Life is full of unfriendly friends.Some people didn’t die when the arrow was in their chest, they died when they saw who threw the arrow.Here are signs of […]
1: LOWER YOUR VOICEDon’t shout at her, she is not your child. You can correct, yes, but why shouting 2: DO IT IN LOVECorrection should be done in love. […]
Responsibility: Take responsibility for your actions & be accountable for your mistakes. Respect: Show respect for yourself & others, including those who are different from you. Honesty: Be […]
1. Stay calm: Even if you get passionate about your point you must stay cool and in command of your emotions. 2. Use facts as evidence for your position: Facts, […]
This is the path to true peace, lasting influence and meaningful living! Please Be guided accordingly: Always remember that you can grow without destroying others. Always remember that […]